The Oasis Space

Healing Your Daughter By Healing the "Little Girl" In You w/ Precious Joy

Patrice Grimes / Precious Joy Season 2 Episode 10

We all know how integral the father/child relationship can be, but we oftentimes gloss over how critical the mother/daughter relationship can be, specifically as it relates to our healing and the sexual relationships with our bodies. The reality is that both parents play vital roles in the development of children and how they show up in the world and instead of fighting one another, we should be fighting for the trauma inside of us that prevents us from reaching the highest version of ourselves.

In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Founder of non-profit organization, Purity is Precious, Precious Joy, where she explains the necessity to heal the "little girl" inside of you so that it serves as a catalyst for healing the relationship with your daughter.  We also discussed:
- Fear Based Parenting vs. Natural Hormonal Changes
- Shifting Communication from Fear Based Responses
- Four Things Needed to Feel Secure In Relationships
- The Affects of Forfeiting Healing that Carries Into Adulthood
- Recommended Steps for Adult Women to Heal Outstanding Mother/Daughter Relationship Challenges

Key Takeaways/Quotables
"Allow the fear to fuel the healing process that can come through the relationship." - Precious Joy

"It's the the little girl inside of you that has been asking for a way to actually free herself from whatever pain or trauma that occurred that we have learned to live with, cope, and actually mask in our personality." - Precious Joy

"Mothers create atmospheres to be seen and soothed and some of these qualities were likely missing [for that little girl] to feel okay to heal." - Patrice Grimes

"We don't recognize how our healing is attached to other people. It really is a catalyst to helping someone else heal." - Patrice Grimes

"Women in general, we try to be so accommodating to each other and to each other's feelings; even though we have these expectations of each other, we'll minimize it and sweep it under the rug." - Patrice Grimes

"A lot of times, we make ourselves become numb. So instead of us really facing things head on, we use a numbing process so that we feel as though 'ill never be hurt from her again' and that's us disconnecting us from our femininity." - Precious Joy

"When we make those decisions to actually start to medicate those wounds by becoming completely numb, then we rob ourselves of the opportunity to become a our best version of ourselves, not just for us, but for those who are attached to our call and our purpose." - Precious Joy

"The pain will normally come where the wound is sitting at the most." - Precious Joy

Rapid Value Questions

What's one thing you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?
- Dance

Name one book or song that's helped you to define peace?
- Psalmist Raine - Abba Father

How do you define peace for yourself now?
- It's in the unknown.  Knowing that God's got it. It is knowing that regardless of how I feel, I choose to rest and trust in him.  It is knowing that as long as God called me to walk on waters, I'm going to walk with him.

Fill In the Blank:
- My name is Precious and without peace, I would be the bird that flew over the coo-coo's nest, but with peace, I am grounded, I am whole, and I am protected.

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Engage with Precious:
IG: @PurityIsPrecious
Precious's Website

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