The Oasis Space

Finances Leading with Peace Instead of Pressure w/Juan Lee

Patrice Grimes Season 2 Episode 6

Did you know your finances or lack thereof can tell a story about who you are and what you may be going through in life?  As we discuss transforming conflict to peace in our personal relationships, these relationships heavily influence our finances and the decisions we make regarding our finances. 

In this latest episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Transformational Speaker and Author, Juan Lee, about how every goal or dream require finances.  But it's more than needing finances, it's setting goals and making good decisions regarding our finances that provides us with access to the required resources.  We also discussed:
- Building Generational Wealth
- Defining Contentment
- Teaching Children the Process of Spending Money
- Steps to be Proactive in Finances

Key Takeaways/Quotes

"We're talking about generational wealth, but the generation may be starting with you." - Patrice Grimes

"Contentment is operating within your abilities, and that takes discipline." - Juan Lee

"Discipline is actually one of the highest forms of self love." - Patrice Grimes

"Having the ability to operate within your own abilities; it doesn't mean you should not push yourself to be greater. it's knowing what you're actually capable of so you can show up better and master yourself better, instead of trying to push yourself outside of the limits that do not serve you because you're trying to put on for someone else, that's when you realize the discontentment settles in. - Patrice Grimes

"It's not saying you are not pursuing your potential, you are operating in the place and space that you are today so you can maintain that peace." - Juan Lee

"We find when we're not in that place of peace, it's outside of our own boundaries." - Juan Lee

"We allow those pressures to influence and push us outside of ourselves, because we don't understand the purpose of life." - Juan Lee

"Money is merely an exchange for your choices. You're going to give someone your money to get your choices." - Juan Lee

"You have to be willing to sacrifice instead and not live in instant gratification." - Juan Lee

Rapid Value Questions
What is one thing that you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?
- Stay within my ability.  Maintain my boundaries.

Name one book or song that's helped you to define peace.
- Love is the Reason by BeBe Winans

How do you define peace for yourself now?
- I translate success as having all my means met; contentment, clarity.

Fill In the Blank:
My name is Juan Lee, and without peace I'd probably be devastated/destroyed, useless, in bad shape, but with peace, I am complete.

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