The Oasis Space

[EM]Bracing for Impact: When They "Come Out," You Pull Them In w/ Courage Molina

Patrice Grimes Season 2 Episode 4

How can you still show up for your kids/family even when they don't rise to your original  expectations or dreams for their life?  Particularly, when their lifestyle goes against everything you were taught to believe in? 

In this final installment of the [EM]Bracing for Impact series, I had the pleasure of speaking with Faith Coach, Courage Molina, about how her own identity was temporarily challenged when her child came out as a member of the LGBTQIA community, and she reminds us that her ministry is her own, and whatever dreams she had for her children is outweighed by the dreams and purpose those children have for themselves. 

We also discussed the resistance to purpose, the affect of your purpose on family,  re-establishing expectations for family to be apart of your purpose, and how support may looks different in various relationships. 

Key Takeaways/Quotes:

"Conflict is a misalignment of the heart and the mind." - Patrice Grimes

"It's not personal, but it's personal. It's not personal to you, but it's personal for me." - Patrice Grimes

"It was time for me to do for my daughter what I know Jesus does for us, and that is advocate." - Courage Molina

"When it comes to sexuality in particular, it seems to be the most difficult things for people of faith to love their children publicly through." - Courage Molina

"As long as we can continue having these personal relationships where there is open dialogue where people are receptive to be educated, that's where you can continue to seek the peace for yourself. That's where the transformation comes in. - Patrice Grimes

"I don't think every call is for an entire family." - Courage Molina

"I think there has to be a certain level of respect that the call is on you, and the responsibility for that thing is on you.  I don't require those things of my spouse. - Courage Molina

"I think that the reason it can cause more conflict in these relationships is because we put these expectations on the people in our house because the weight of the call seems like a lot because of our own fear and our own insecurities." - Courage Molina

"It's so many ways our partners and personal relationships can be supportive of our ministries or business without actually being engrained in it." - Patrice Grimes

"It's us relinquishing these mindsets to expectations and what does support look like for you so that you can support the call and business you have for yourself." - Patrice Grimes

"We have to give them grace too.  Yes, I need support in this season, but how am I supporting my spouse and my family, recognizing that this new thing i'm doing is affecting them in a way where they didn't necessarily get a call from the Lord." - Courage Molina

Rapid Value Questions

What is one thing you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?
- Music

Name one book or song that's helped you to define peace?
The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer

How do you define peace for yourself now?
- Living in a way that honors my true self.

Fill in the Blank:
My name is Courage, Molina and without peace, I'd probably be arrested, but with peace, I am walking in my purpose.



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