The Oasis Space

The MANifestation May Not Come From the MAN You Sowed Into

Patrice Grimes Season 1 Episode 5

One important factor in embodying peace is manifesting the life that you deserve.  However, sometimes as humans we can find that to be easier said than done. 

In this episode, I discuss the importance of being receptive to manifestation even if it doesn't come from the expected source you intended to receive the manifestation. 


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TOS - The MANifestation May Not Come From the MAN You Sowed Into

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to the Oasis Space, where we disrupt your current chaos with curried at peace, I am your host, Patrice Grymes, a.k.a. the peace creator. And I just want to welcome you guys again to another episode of The Oasis Space. Thank you for hanging in there with me and riding on this journey with me today. I want to dive into this idea of someone and reaping karma, good and bad luck. Like, you know, whatever it is that you subscribe to, whatever it is that you call it. I kind of want to talk about that. Right, because I found that in some ways that people. Kind of related to this topic may not be consistent with how it is relatable to people and what I mean by that, like when we think of the traditional sense of someone and raping or karma, things like that. Right. If you were to plant a flower seed in your garden outside, you would expect that, you know, if you're watering it, you're nurturing it. It's going to bloom in your garden. Right? Like you're not going to plant their flower seed and it's going to bloom in your parent’s garden in another state like this. That's not even the mindset you would have if you were planning this flower. See this fruit seed, whatever, this apple tree, whatever it is that you were planning, you would expect that the seed that you were planning was going to grow and bloom wherever you planted it.

It was going to you were going to reap this harvest, wherever it was that you initially planted it. But when it comes to people or characteristics or intentions, it's not the same. And I think a lot of us have kept ourselves in somewhat of this bondage because of this idea of Kermadec expectations. And, you know, I want to peacefully disrupt that thought process. And what I mean by that is manifestation may not come from the same man you sold it into. All right. And you know what I mean by that is, again, I think we get so caught up in assuming that the Sony Repin process is similar to that is if you were to plant a flower in a garden or something like that. And so we assume that if we are still one and two people, then we should be reaping from the same people. And that doesn't always happen. It doesn't always occur that way. Right. The a prime example for me. I was at my prior company for several years and it was a good company. I learned a lot along the way. I had wonderful opportunities. I can't say anything bad, but I certainly didn't feel like I received the full extent of the value or that I was able to manifest everything that I felt I rightfully deserved based on my experience or base on the work that I was putting in at that organization.

Right. And it wasn't until I moved on into another organization where I was able to really ee that manifestation. So I sold a lot of time multiple years into this organization but ended up receiving exponential manifestation in this current organization that I'm in now. Yo, again, similarly could be where maybe you're helping out a family member financially. And I think there is this expectation that if you've helped out a family member financially, that family member will return those finances to you. Or if you are in a bind, their family member will help you out financially. Right. But it does not always happen that way. You know, and I get it because as humans, most of us are innately wired with this idea of reciprocity, that if I help you out, you help me out. Right. If I scratch your back, you scratch my bag. If I give you an apple, you give me an apple. And I want to, again, kind of bust that myth because I believe we fixate on the source of the reciprocity instead of the reciprocity of the manifestation itself. And that's really where the problem lies. Right. And I  just really want to go ahead and just break this down. Right. So let's say you are someone who likes to give praise, like you like to give feedback, like whether it is with your friends, whether shared on your job, you're someone that's always providing good feedback.

You're hyping people up, you're praising them. You're doing whatever you know, you're that person that that just, like, loves to give words of affirmation. Right. And maybe you are dating someone. You check in with somebody else, you will you check what is doing. Right. And he's never complimenting you. OK, maybe he's just not like not into that. That's not his thing, you, you, but that's who you are, right? Something you naturally do. But maybe it's another dude that's interested like he been eyeing you, he's interested. Or it could even be a random person like this could be somebody in a supermarket. And maybe that person then gives you this compliment. They could say something like, you are just so breathtaking. I like this is maybe a compliment that you've been wanting to hear from the dude you've been checking for, but you instantly dismiss it or disregard it. You disregard the supermarket, do it, or you disregard the dude that's been checking for you because it's not coming from the person that you wanted to hear from. It's not coming from the person that you had been complimenting already. It's not may be coming from the person at the job that you had been giving praise to.

And because you feel like you've sold, you know, the seeds of praise and feedback and compliments others, then you will expect to receive it back from those same people. But again. I beg to differ. Right, that's where we are fixating on the source of the reciprocity instead of the reciprocity of the manifestation itself, if that is something you've identified that you'd like to be praised to, you'd like to be acknowledged for the things that you're doing. You'd like to be acknowledged for your beauty. You'd like to be acknowledged for your good works. Well, the manifestation is showing up, is just not showing up from the person that you wanted to show up from. And so you're dismissing it and not acting like it doesn't hold any value. But, you know, taking a step back and realizing that you've sow the seeds of praise and to people you've sold into feedbag, you've sold into given these columns and hype and people up there made them feel good in those moments. And in that moment, it's something that you need it. It's something that you need to maybe as a little ego boost, as something you needed, as a boost to your self-esteem. And if it took the man in the supermarket to do it, they will receive that. They don't matter. It doesn't matter who's telling it to you. It could be a 93-year-old man, one to in his Mountlake girl, if that's who was alive, to give you that compliment that day.

If that's how the manifestation was supposed to show up that day, you've got to receive it, because the end of the day is that that's how you need it, the manifestation to show up so that you could go and be a better person so that you get then go and speak life into someone else so that you can then go and go continue praising someone else that had even a more rough day. Then you may have had, you know, you see what I'm saying? So it's like we can't be so focused on the source of the manifestation rather than just realize that the manifestation has shown up. You know, and I think sometimes we have to just be mindful of that because, you know, we always want to kind of put ourselves in these other scenarios of like, you know what? If you knew that someone, you know, if you were complimenting someone or if you were giving someone a gift, you were showing compassion to someone who you presented this business opportunity and they thought that it wasn't genuine or that it lacked value simply because it didn't come from the person they originally expected to come from. You probably will be looking a little sideways, like you might be a little bit low-key heart because you think of like saying I was really genuinely like I was really out here trying to give this comment.

I was really out here showing compassion. I was really out here trying to present this business opportunity for this person. But because of the income from X, Y, Z person, like they were just like, oh, to hell with them. Like, it means nothing to me, you know what I mean? And so I know like this there's this challenge that we oftentimes hold certain people to a higher standard. Therefore their opinion holds more weight. And I feel like there are some people like maybe family members and things like that. You do hold their opinions more valuable and things like that. But, you know, I would employ you to just start thinking, like, what if we began putting ourselves in a posture that allows us to be receptive? To any and everyone who has the potential to places like how much more? What our lives be impacted, if we had the thought process that. You know, anyone could add value to our life, anyone had the potential to add value to our life. It didn't matter who they were or what shape, size, form, color, age, you know if we just open our mind to be receptive that anybody had the potential to bless if anyone had the potential to add value to our lives and you really determine what value looks like.

You know, again, maybe one day is a compliment because you're having a rough day and you really just ain't feeling yourself like maybe is that tight at the edges is just not laying down how they supposed to like, listen, I write anybody that knows me knows I love my urges to be laid prostrate and maybe they just might cooperate one day and I need a little pick me up. All right. Maybe if the compliment maybe you need the comment. Maybe it's another day. It's a business opportunity. You know, maybe one another day is somebody's blessing you financially is somebody saying, hey, I don't know you, but I'm feeling led to pay this bill for your damn failure to pay your rent today. I'm feeling low to pay your mortgage today. You know, and again, maybe it is the adults that don’t have to be something financially. Sometimes it's something as simple as just being kind, somebody's helping with your groceries because they see you struggling, walking through the door. Because that listened as a whole nother story, because I will take 15 bags on my arm before I use that little card, I would say 15 bags of my arm and my arm will be riding the bus, all the take for teachers back and forth to the car. But listen, it could be something like that because somebody sees like, OK, let me help. Let me help this person out.

You know, they struggle a little bit. Let me help them out. Let me make their day a little bit easier. And it could be something simple like that, you know, those simple things of kindness, but again, it can it's so simple. But if that person then needed help with their groceries that they had thought has said to themselves that they are said to God has said to whoever. In their minds, the day that I don't ever feel supported, I feel invisible. But then this person comes along, it helps them with their groceries. That it means something, it creates as value decreases, impact, right, because then it shows like, well, wow, I'm not invisible anymore, I am being supported, something as simple as that. Right, and again, like we have to determine what their value looks like and what it means to us. And again, just being receptive to receive it from multiple avenues, not, you know, realizing that it doesn't have to come in the form that we always expected to, it doesn't have to come in the form we expect it to. It doesn't have to come through. The source we expect it to does have to come through the person we expect it to and being receptive. Also means having the mindset to believe we deserve whatever it is we're hoping to manifest. And I really want to make sure I highlight this because I have had conversations with people before who, if you talk to them, they will say like, oh yeah, I'm certain of the things I'm doing, these affirmations I'm doing X, Y, Z.